Monday, March 14, 2011

Honest Tea's Chief on Joining Coke, Future Marketing Budgets and Brand Fidelity

The Venturing and Emerging Brands unit, a division of Coca-Cola, is charged with the responsibility for investing in brands with the potential for success. In this way, Coca-Cola can build upon their beverage dynasty and stay ahead of the competition. Three years ago, Coca-Cola invested in Honest Tea through a partial financial acquisition. Honest Tea CEO, Seth Goldman, remains confident that the brand will retain its authenticity and independence. As CEO, Goldman still retains a stake in the brand.

The Honest Tea brand is known for having a brand deeply rooted in simplicity and "honesty". They intend to continue their guerilla marketing tactics while steering away from conventional media. Honest Tea feels that guerilla marketing enables the brand to stay consistent and authentic for consumers. However, the brand still desires expansion. Goldman has been emphasizing that the connection between the consumer and the brand is not lost in their new transitional buy out by Coca-Cola. Critics believe the merger could prove negative for Honest Tea. The main threat is through the new "unconscious" conscious consumers who judges a product or brand on association instead of merits.

As the new adjustments are implemented, Goldman is confident in the brand he started nearly 16 years ago. "I know we're connecting with consumers and telling our story in a way consumers remember."

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